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박은영셰프 Archives - 뉴스벨

#박은영셰프 (1 Posts)

  • '흑백요리사' 중식여신, 알고 보니 4년 전 유재석과 큰 인연 맺었던 그 여자였다 박은영 셰프는 넷플릭스 예능 '흑백요리사'에서 중식 여신으로 활약하며 유재석에게 유산슬 라면 레시피를 전수했다.
WordPress › Error

Error establishing a Redis connection

read error on connection to newsbell-b.ns3nax.ng.0001.apn2.cache.amazonaws.com:6379

WordPress is unable to establish a connection to Redis. This means that the connection information in your wp-config.php file are incorrect, or that the Redis server is not reachable.

  • Is the correct Redis host and port set?
  • Is the Redis server running?

If you need help, please read the installation instructions.

To disable Redis, delete the object-cache.php file in the /wp-content/ directory.