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DongKook Pharmaceutical Proposes Customized Products for ‘Summer Skin and Hair Health’

산경투데이 조회수  

DongKook Pharmaceutical Summer Skincare. (DongKook Pharmaceutical)
DongKook Pharmaceutical Summer Skincare. (DongKook Pharmaceutical)


High temperatures, high humidity, and strong UV rays lead to frequent skin damage in summer, and DongKook Pharmaceutical is attracting consumers’ attention by introducing various skin and hair health care products.

On the 29th, DongKook Pharmaceutical recommended various products to protect skin and hair health in the summer.

Acne Treatment ‘Senspot’ During summer, when excessive sebum secretion makes acne easily form, DongKook Pharmaceutical’s ‘Senspot’ is in the spotlight.

This product is effective in alleviating inflammation and treating mild to moderate inflammatory acne.

‘Senspot’ contains 30mg of ibuprofen piconol, which is recommended as an anti-inflammatory acne treatment by the Japanese Dermatological Association guidelines, and 10mg of isopropylmethylphenol, which inhibits acne bacteria.

Hair Loss Treatment ‘Pansidil’ During the summer, when the scalp’s oil and moisture balance is disrupted and hair loss symptoms tend to worsen, DongKook Pharmaceutical’s hair loss treatment ‘Pansidil’ provides an effective solution.

This product is optimally formulated with hair components and nutritional ingredients to make hair thick and healthy.

‘Pansidil’ includes keratin, L-cystine, medicinal yeast, and six essential ingredients such as vitamins, which are directly supplied to the hair root cells through the bloodstream, providing essential nutrients for hair.

According to domestic clinical studies, 79% of users reported thicker hair and a 45% reduction in hair loss.

Wound Treatment ‘Madecassol’ For frequent outdoor activities in summer, the wound treatment ‘Madecassol’ is recommended.

This product’s main ingredient is ‘Centella Asiatica Extract’, which helps synthesize collagen similar to normal skin during the wound healing process, promoting the rapid regeneration of new skin.

The ‘Madecassol’ series includes various products like ‘Madecassol Care’, ‘Madecassol Powder’, ‘Complex Madecassol’, ‘Madecassol Gel’, and ‘Madecassol Moisture Band’, allowing the selection of the appropriate treatment based on the type and characteristics of the wound.

Scar Treatments ‘Cicacare’ and ‘Sensicare Gel’ For scar management, ‘Cicacare’ and ‘Sensicare Gel’ are effective. ‘Cicacare’ forms a protective barrier on the scar area, preventing excessive collagen production and aiding scar improvement.

‘Sensicare Gel’ forms a thin film on the scar area to maintain moisture and prevent new scar formation, as it is a gel-type product.

Depending on the situation, ‘Cicacare’ is recommended for large scar areas, while ‘Sensicare Gel’ is suitable for areas with frequent movement, such as behind the knees or inside the elbows.

A marketing representative from DongKook Pharmaceutical stated, “High temperatures, humidity, and strong UV rays in summer can cause significant damage to the skin and hair,” and added, “We hope you maintain healthy skin and hair even in summer with DongKook Pharmaceutical’s various products.”





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