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Gyeonggi Province holds the inauguration ceremony for the ‘Gyeonggi Safe Jeonse Project’

산경투데이 조회수  

(Gyeonggi Province)
(Gyeonggi Province)


Gyeonggi Province has launched the “Gyeonggi Safe Jeonse Project” with 30,000 licensed real estate agents to prevent jeonse (long-term lease) fraud.

The inauguration ceremony held at the provincial government office on the 15th was attended by 80 people, including a video greeting from Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Dong-yeon, Gyeonggi Province Urban Housing Director Lee Gye-sam, Gyeonggi Provincial Council Urban Environment Committee Chairman Yoo Young-il, Gyeonggi Southern Association President Park Tae-won, Gyeonggi Northern Association President Jeong Gyeong-beom, regional representatives of the association, and officials from cities, counties, and districts.

The main focus of the ‘Gyeonggi Safe Jeonse Project’ is to operate the ‘Safe Jeonse Path Guardian Movement’ and the public-private joint ‘Safe Jeonse Management Team’ through the voluntary and social cooperation of real estate agents.

The ‘Safe Jeonse Path Guardian Movement’ is a voluntary social movement by real estate agents who prepare and participate in practical tasks to prevent jeonse damage to create a reliable real estate transaction environment for residents.

Specific practical tasks include ▲not mediating risky properties ▲providing accurate property information to tenants ▲checking a checklist to prevent jeonse damage for agents ▲providing a checklist to prevent jeonse damage for tenants ▲disclosing the status of real estate office employees ▲notifying changes in contract-related information (text service) ▲informing about malicious landlords.

Real estate agents participating in the movement will receive ‘Safe Jeonse Guardian’ stickers starting in the second half of this year, so residents can recognize and use them.

In addition, to respond to jeonse fraud and other illegal activities, a public-private joint ‘Safe Jeonse Management Team’ will be formed and operated.

The ‘Safe Jeonse Management Team’ is the largest preventive organization in the country, consisting of 916 members, including provincial and municipal officials, the heads of the Gyeonggi branches of the Korea Association of Realtors (southern and northern regions), and local branch heads (cities, counties, towns, and villages).

They will encourage participation in the ‘Safe Jeonse Path Guardian Movement’, manage it, share and utilize frontline real estate agents’ field information, and monitor the real estate market.

Through this, the management team and municipalities will conduct joint inspections and proactively respond to illegal activities in the real estate sector.

This project is part of Gyeonggi Province’s ‘Let’s Go! Livelihood Recovery’ project for small business owners, vulnerable groups, and youth who are struggling with high-interest rates and high prices.

Lee Gye-sam, Gyeonggi Province Urban Housing Director, said, “This project is meaningful as a voluntary participation movement by real estate agents to prevent jeonse fraud,” and added, “Through mutual cooperation between the public and private sectors, we will strive to create a safe jeonse contract culture and build a reliable real estate transaction environment by overcoming institutional limitations.”





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