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Defense Industry Infringement Response Council Leads the Way in Defense Technology Protection in Collaboration with Chung-Ang University

산경투데이 조회수  

At the '1st Colloquium on Defense Technology Protection and National Security' held at Chung-Ang University on the 11th, key figures, including Choi Young-jong, Director of the Defense Industry Technology Protection Center at the Defense Agency for Technology and Quality (fourth from the left in the front row), Sung Maeng-je, Vice President of Research at Chung-Ang University, Jang Hang-bae, Director of the Industrial Security Research Center at Chung-Ang University, and Sung Kuk-hyun, Head of the Security Team at Hyundai Rotem, pose for a commemorative photo. (Hyundai Rotem)
At the ‘1st Colloquium on Defense Technology Protection and National Security’ held at Chung-Ang University on the 11th, key figures, including Choi Young-jong, Director of the Defense Industry Technology Protection Center at the Defense Agency for Technology and Quality (fourth from the left in the front row), Sung Maeng-je, Vice President of Research at Chung-Ang University, Jang Hang-bae, Director of the Industrial Security Research Center at Chung-Ang University, and Sung Kuk-hyun, Head of the Security Team at Hyundai Rotem, pose for a commemorative photo. (Hyundai Rotem)


The Defense Industry Infringement Response Council has initiated in-depth discussions on defense technology protection measures in cooperation with Chung-Ang University.

On the 11th, the Defense Industry Infringement Response Council and the Industrial Security Research Center of Chung-Ang University jointly held the ‘1st Colloquium on Defense Technology Protection and National Security’ at Chung-Ang University.

A colloquium is a type of discussion forum where presenters and participants freely discuss specific topics.

The Defense Industry Infringement Response Council is a public-private cooperative organization formed under the leadership of the National Intelligence Service to respond to the increasing risk of defense technology leaks. Major domestic defense companies such as Hyundai Rotem, Hanwha Aerospace, and LIG Nex1, as well as government agencies such as the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy, are participating.

Meanwhile, Chung-Ang University is nurturing top security experts through its Department of Industrial Security and Graduate School of Convergence Security.

At this colloquium, discussions were held on the overseas local production experiences of companies possessing national core technologies and measures that can be applied to the defense industry.

Key presentations included ‘Key Cases in Overseas Local Production Contracts’ by Attorney Hyeong-ju Lim of Yulchon LLC, ‘Security Protection Guidelines for Overseas Local Business Sites’ by Professor Hang-bae Jang of Chung-Ang University, and cases of overseas local production enterprises. Following the presentations, a Q&A session and discussions with attendees took place.

The Defense Industry Infringement Response Council and Chung-Ang University’s Industrial Security Research Center deeply empathized with the importance of defense technology protection and promised to collaborate through regular colloquiums. They plan to cover various topics such as the introduction of defense cloud systems and the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) system of the United States.

Additionally, the Defense Industry Infringement Response Council intends to benchmark Chung-Ang University’s know-how in protecting national core technologies to seek suitable technology protection measures for the defense industry and minimize trial and error.

Hang-bae Jang, Director of the Industrial Security Research Center at Chung-Ang University, stated, “I hope this colloquium greatly contributes to the establishment of practical measures for defense technology protection and national security.”

A representative from the Defense Industry Infringement Response Council emphasized, “We expect this colloquium to be the first step in strengthening defense technology protection capabilities through the combined efforts of the public, private, and academic sectors,” and added, “We will continue to seek advanced defense technology protection measures through ongoing collaboration with academia.”





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