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New Special Awards to Provide Internship Opportunities in Vietnam FHKI and HKSTP Jointly Organise “Innopreneur Experience Journey” Cohort 3

스타트업엔 조회수  

FHKI Chairman Steve Chuang delivered his welcome remarks.
FHKI Chairman Steve Chuang delivered his welcome remarks.

Jointly organised by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI) and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP), the “Innopreneur Experience Journey” has launched its third cohort.  A grand opening ceremony took place today (12 July), with Oscar Wong, Head of Innofacturing of HKSTP, Prof Andrew Young, Associate Director (Innovation) of Sino Group, representatives from participating enterprises as well as over 80 students, all set to embark on an extraordinary I&T experience journey.  Notably, this year’s event has introduced the new “Star Student Award”, offering two outstanding students the opportunities to intern at a company in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.  This internship will provide a firsthand experience for winners to gain insights into Vietnam’s economic development, corporate culture, and customs, as well as the broader ASEAN region.

In his welcome remarks, FHKI Chairman Steve Chuang highlighted the increasing impact of technological advancements on both life and work. He emphasised that Hong Kong’s rapidly growing new industries and I&T sectors are in need of over 200,000 skilled professionals in the future, presenting an option not to be missed to young people who are planning their future careers, “FHKI has been dedicated to fostering the growth of new talents in industrial and I&T sectors through initiatives, including, the Q STEM Certification Scheme and collaborations with local and Greater Bay Area educational and talent training institutions.  The primary purpose of organising the ‘Innopreneur Experience Journey’ aligns with such commitments.  I firmly believe that the abundant opportunities for site visits and internships provided by this programme will greatly broaden students’ horizons. This will, in turn, attract a fresh influx of young talents to join forces with our industries, infusing us with fresh perspectives and energy.”

FHKI Chairman Steve Chuang (centre), Oscar Wong, Head of Innofacturing of HKSTP (right 2) and Prof Andrew Young, Associate Director (Innovation) of Sino Group (left 2) took a group with representatives of Po Leung Kuk and Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong.
FHKI Chairman Steve Chuang (centre), Oscar Wong, Head of Innofacturing of HKSTP (right 2) and Prof Andrew Young, Associate Director (Innovation) of Sino Group (left 2) took a group with representatives of Po Leung Kuk and Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong.

Chairman of HKSTP Dr Sunny Chai said, “We are pleased to join hands with FHKI again and work with our park companies to provide a brand-new internship experience to students in an effort to bring in more new blood to the I&T workforce. Nurturing I&T talents is one of our top missions. In addition to providing comprehensive support to tech companies, we also actively organise training activities with various organizations to strengthen the local talent pool. Under the ‘One Country, Two Systems’, Hong Kong is the only city in the world that combines advantages of China and other countries, bringing together top talents to steadily realize Hong Kong’s vision of becoming an international innovation and technology centre.”

The one-month Journey is packed with a variety of activities. Over 80 students from 10 schools will join a two-day internship programme at 32 FHKI member companies and HKSTP partner companies which served as corporate mentors of the event. Students will also visit ASTRI’s Technovation Centre located in Hong Kong Science Park, as well as HKTVmall (Hong Kong TV Shopping Network Company Limited) and The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel (HKRITA)’s Open Lab in Tseung Kwan O InnoPark.

The closing ceremony of the Journey will be held on 22 August at the Data Technology Hub in Tseung Kwan O InnoPark.  The highlight of that day will be a contest where students will compete for the prestigious “Star Student Award” by delivering a three-minute speech about their takeaways from the internship experiences.  The judging panel will select four outstanding students as winners, based on criteria such as personal growth, industry knowledge, and presentation skills. The two winners with the highest scores will be awarded the grand prize sponsored by Golden Resources Development International Ltd – a “4 Days and 3 Nights Trip to Vietnam”.

The free air tickets, with meals and accommodation, sponsored by the grand prize will provide two winning students with the opportunity to undertake an internship at the Vietnam Circle K in Ho Chi Minh City in the coming year. The internship will foster an understanding of the integration of technology and industry, allowing students to gain insights into the local business operations and work culture, expanding their horizons and international perspectives.

As one of the corporate mentors of the Journey and the sponsor of the “Star Student Award”, Group CEO and Vice Chairman of Golden Resources Development International Ltd and FHKI Executive Deputy Chairman Anthony Lam made a special introduction of Vietnam to the audiences, “Vietnam holds a significant position within ASEAN, and an increasing number of Hong Kong businessmen are establishing factories and investing in the country. With the bonds between Vietnam and Hong Kong strengthening in various areas such as the economy, trade, and education, it is evident that students who embark on internships with local companies in Vietnam will greatly benefit their future careers and overall life planning.”





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