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Review of Cadillac CT5-V, an American super sedan competing with BMW M5 / Audi RS7

라르테즈 조회수  


The Cadillac CT5-V Black Wing is a high-performance sedan that represents the Cadillac brand, and is a performance sedan that can compete with the German premium brand’s high-performance sedans, the BMW M5 and Mercedes-Benz E63AMG

The CT5-V black wing has the most powerful 6.2-liter hand-Built supercharger V8 engine in Cadillac history, and boasts a macho specification with tremendous rear-wheel drive performance of 668 horsepower and 91.9 kg.m in maximum torque.

It’s hard to find a performance sedan that performs this high performance with rear-wheel drive rather than four-wheel drive, but as it is a high-performance rear-wheel drive, you can feel more thrilling and thrilling driving

Interestingly, South Korea only has a 10-speed automatic transmission, but North America has an optional 6-speed manual transmission, and it’s the last internal combustion engine sports sedan to be built in Cadillac.

While the vehicle has more name recognition than its competitors, the BMW M5 and Mercedes-Benz AMG E63, they are all AWD-only, with complex technical barriers between the driver and the road, the Cadillac CT5-V is capable of sending 668 horsepower output in one go with raw mechanical and rear-wheel drive.

In addition, it is equipped with active fuel management that deactivates some of the cylinders depending on driving conditions to ensure efficiency. Since it is a hand-Built engine in which each engine is manufactured by an experienced Cadillac engineer, the signature of the engineer in charge of manufacturing the engine is attached to the engine cover.

Unlike its competitors, the Cadillac CT5-V Black Wing sticks to its rear-wheel drive. It is more difficult and difficult to handle, but it also has the advantage of being able to have a more thrilling and powerful experience. It is a powerful rear-wheel drive model, but with performance traction management, the driver can adjust the steps to his or her own level.

What about the Cadillac CT5-V Blackwing Indoor? The steering wheel is made of Alcantara and carbon, which gives it a little more luxurious. What also makes it different from the basic model is that it has a high-performance V button and a traction button. It is a 6.2-liter supercharger engine, but the exhaust sound is quieter than expected.

The digital instrument panel features a much higher performance than the traditional Cadillac CT5 and is divided into quarters to give the driver a glimpse of the driving information. It also provides a zero-back test capability and an engine oil/air filter life check.

The Cadillac interface is very simple. Unlike the basic model, the PDR function adds a function that can be used when driving the circuit. It is characterized by being configured to timing the rap no matter which track you run.

Personally, I really don’t like the gear transmission. It would be nice to apply the gear transmission I used in my old CT6, but recently, the Escalade is also using this kind of transmission that you can see in the Chevrolet Volt EV.

I think the Cadillac CT5-V Black Wing model is a vehicle that can have a supercar + premium sedan at the same time. On top of that, the price, which is $26,943 cheaper than the BMW M5 and Audi RS7 models in Korea, is a vehicle that you really want to buy with a difference in price that allows you to purchase another minivan or camper van for your family.






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