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2024 The New Tucson Facelift Model Launched

라르테즈 조회수  


Hyundai Motor’s Tucson model launched the first-generation model in 2004, followed by the second-generation model in 2009 and the third-generation model in 2015, and the fourth-generation model now launched in 2020.
It is a new facelift model that is introduced in three years and features a more complete design than the 4th generation early model.

Hyundai Motor’s Tucson model launched the first-generation model in 2004, followed by the second-generation model in 2009 and the third-generation model in 2015, and the fourth-generation model now launched in 2020.
It is a new facelift model that is introduced in three years and features a more complete design than the 4th generation early model.

This 2024 The New Tucson model has a stronger and wider design with the parametric dynamics theme of the 4th generation early model.
The front part is impressive with an angled Rydata grill and a parametric Jewel Hidden Lamp with daytime running lights. The skid plate integrated with bumper molding on the rear part is horizontal
It is expanded to give the impression that the vehicle looks wider.

The interior of The New Tucson has changed to the level of a new car, equipped with panoramic curved displays and floating consoles and designed with a horizontal emphasis on space and practicality.

The panoramic curved display, each with a smooth connection of a 12.3-inch cluster and an infotainment system, gives a luxurious feeling, and the next-generation infotainment system, “ccNC,” is applied to provide advanced infotainment functions such as wireless software updates and blue-link streaming services.

In addition, a floating console that seems to be floating in the air is installed in the center space, equipped with a column-type electronic shift lever to maximize storage, and a smartphone wireless charging system and cup holders are arranged in parallel to increase space utilization.

The N-line model highlights the dynamic image by applying the N-line radiator grill (with exclusive emblem) / N-line 19-inch alloy wheel / Sporty design front and rear bumper and skid plate / body color side garnish and cladding / single twin-tip muffler to the basic model.

Hyundai provides a convenient driving experience by equipping The New Tucson with advanced driving technologies such as an auto-terrain mode that automatically selects the optimal driving mode by judging the road surface in real time and a lateral wind stability control that improves the stability of high-speed driving through steering and braking control when strong winds occur during high-speed driving.

In addition, we added reinforcements to the floor carpet to improve acceleration noise and shielding, expanded the area of sound absorption materials for front wheel guards and C-pillar, and optimized the overall sound absorption performance by adding new sound absorption materials to the driver’s bottom cover and B-pillar.

The hybrid model has an advanced hybrid system called ‘E-motion Drive’ that utilizes a drive motor to improve driving performance and comfort.

E-motion drives consist of “E-Dynamic Drive,” which provides dynamic and stable exercise performance in fast steering situations such as rapid acceleration and cornering, and “E-Comfort Drive,” which provides smooth ride on irregular roads such as speed bumps and reduces shaking.

Hyundai has applied over-the-air wireless software updates (OTA) to The New Tucson to keep up-to-date with key electronic controls on the vehicle and also has a blue-link streaming service to enjoy video and high-quality sound source content through the infotainment system. In addition, advanced infotainment specifications such as ehi-pass digital key 2 / indoor fingerprint authentication system that allows toll payment without a real high-pass card were applied in conjunction with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto / CarPay with wireless connection function.

In addition, / Radar Sensor-based Advanced Rear Passenger Notification (ROA) / Head-Up Display (HUD) / Built-in Cam 2 / Open Volume Control Power Tailgate / Outside Mirror and Driver Position Memory System are equipped with customer preference specifications for convenience beyond the vehicle level.






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