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2024 Sonata The Edge comes back like a facelift full change.

라르테즈 조회수  


::::: It came back under the name Sonata The Edge.

The Sonata facelift model was released. This model is an 8th generation partial change model, but if you look only at the design, it is a model that shows the all-time design of the Sonata full change class, which has been changed both outdoors and indoors. Then, what will the 2024 Sonata facelift model look like??

::::: Changes to design

Let’s start with the exterior design of the 8th generation Sonata facelift.
First of all, it shows such a perfect design change that no one will refute even if someone says that it is a Sonata full-change model, not a facelift, that has definitely changed no matter who sees it. First of all, the front design is familiar, but it shows a completely new sense. It shows a sporty design in the style of a 4-door coupe, and the design that expresses wider as you go down from the top to the bottom shows a design sense commonly seen in sports coupes.

The seamless horizon lamp and hidden lamp shown in the Sonata The Edge have been established as Hyundai Motor Company’s design identity, which has been continuously shown since they were first introduced at the Grandeur in 2023, followed by the small SUV Kona and this Sonata facelift model. Especially in the sedan model, the Grandeur and Sonata look similar, but they show a different design sensibility than expected. Compared to the Grandeur, the Sonata is very flat and has a design completed in an organic and logical form that removes the boundaries between formative elements.

In fact, there were occasions when the front / rear vehicle design was changed to full change in the facelift model.
However, the side design is not so easily changed. However, this 2024 Sonata The Edge also shows significant changes in the side design. A new design was applied to the front fender, and a black garnish on the side mirror, a side sill garnish, a garnish added to the shadow of the character line, and a new wheel design, all showing traces of a lot of effort to change the side design in a given environment.

The rear design shows a more aggressive look. In particular, in the basic model, the silver garnish at the bottom of the rear bumper is designed as if a dual muffler is applied, and in the actual N-line model, the dual muffler is applied to have an aggressive design and a sense of stability. Even if it is not up to the N line, the rear design from the basic design shows a highly satisfactory design.

The trunk lid edge, which is the end of the trunk, has a three-dimensional effect as the sides going down to the bumper show different shades, and the rectifier fin at the top of the rear lamp has a design reminiscent of the vortex generator of the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution that participated in the WRC in the past.
The N-Line has a flap style that raises the angle at the end of the rear spoiler in a right angle direction so that air hits the front, and aerodynamic performance is improved by applying aero parts used in sports cars that are difficult to meet in general mass-produced mid-size sedans.
In fact, the aerodynamic coefficient of the Sonata The Itzy is a face-lift model at the level of 0.24Cd, but it shows a design change that is more than a full change.

The Sonata The Edge design is a facelift model by applying a high-tech image, but it has been reborn in the latest Hyundai Motor Company interior design style. A 12.3-inch curved display is applied for the first time in Hyundai Motor Company to show a space that is clearly wider than the previous design, and the engineered wood pattern and interior lighting show a warm sensibility and a calm and tidy interior. In addition, next-generation infotainment ccNC was applied, and the UI was configured as clean and simple as a smartphone to deliver only the necessary information to the driver. In addition, an air conditioning touch panel has been added to improve operability.

::::: NVH / R&H improvements improve drivability

Basically, there are NVH and R&H as technical terms that often come up when talking about drivability.
NVH means Noise, Vibration, and Harshness, and R&H means Ride & Handling, and in this facelift model, these two have been improved compared to the previous 8th generation initial model.

To this end, Hyundai Motor Company improved the NVH by revising the shape of the side mirror, improving the cross section of the door seal, windshield side molding, and roof rail to modify the platform, and improved the NVH by adding a strut ring to the front suspension mound. Vibration coming from the front subframe was controlled, and the bush of the front subframe was changed to a hydro bush to show a more comfortable riding experience. R&H was also improved, and when you go over the actual bump, you can feel a clear improvement compared to the previous model.

:::: SONATA N-Line

The Sonata N-line model was a true high-performance trim that could only select a 2.5 gasoline turbo from the previous generation.
However, due to the high displacement and low fuel economy of the 2.5 gasoline turbo, and the high price, only 157 units were sold out of 31,929 Sonata sales in 2022, showing less than 1% of total sales. As the hard-designed

high-Performance N-line model did not actually sell much, in this facelift model, you can choose the N-line not only from the 2.5 gasoline turbo but also from the 2.0 gasoline naturally aspirated / 1.6 gasoline turbo model. Here, even the technologies applied to sports cars, such as rev matching and launch control, which were also shown in the previous N line, are applied, so you can see the real performance sedan.

This Sonata The Edge model is a model that shows the biggest change among the breadth of unconventional changes that have been shown for a little less than 40 years from 1985 to now. As such, this Sonata is a vehicle that shows the present to Hyundai Motor Company, and I think it will be the most important key vehicle that shows the future.






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